IPFS on .bit
First, publish the content to IPFS and obtain a CID or IPNS. For blog websites, it is recommended to use Planet (opens in a new tab) for publishing.
Update .bit dweb record
Visit https://d.id/bit/data/your.bit (opens in a new tab)
Update the IPFS/IPNS records under the dweb section.

Waiting for confirmation
Wait a few minutes, and once the update is complete, you can access your website at https://your.bit.site (opens in a new tab).
IPFS = immutable *Pointer => content
IPNS = **Pointer => content
IPNS (opens in a new tab) names are essentially pointers (IPNS names) to pointers (IPFS CIDs) whereas IPFS CIDs are immutable (because they're derived from the content) pointers to content.