Register .bit
.bit is your decentralized identity for Web3.0 life.
It can be used as a digital assets collection account, as an account to access general internet services, and so on. .bit has powerful cross-chain capabilities and supports ETH/BSC/Polygon/TRON and any other public chain address. hi.bit, 你好.bit, こんにちは.bit, 🚀🌕.bit, 안녕하세요.bit, Привет.bit and Bonjour.bit are all .bit accounts.
Open Your Wallet App
Open a wallet App and create an ETH/BSC/Polygon/TRON wallet. If you already have one, you can ignore this step.
Go to .bit DApp
Search .bit DApp.
Find your favorite .bit account
Search your favorite .bit account.
Multiple payment methods
Check 'Registration year' and click 'Pay'. The registration cost includes annual fee and frozen storage fee.
Annual fee: The annual fee is $5 per year for all .bit accounts with 5 or more digits. About the price (opens in a new tab).
Frozen storage fee: It corresponds to storage space required to store account info on chain. The frozen storage fee is fixed, and it is about 300 CKB per ,bit account. And the fee is frozen and will be refunded to the account owner's address if the account expires and is not renewed.
Currently, you can choose from a variety of payment methods, such as ETH, TRX, BNB, MATIC, CKB, etc. Alipay, Paypal and others (e.g. USDT) will be supported soon.
If you choose CKB payment method with no gas, you should make sure you have enough CKB in your .bit Balance (opens in a new tab). You don't need to have any CKB wallet. Just log in .bit Balance (opens in a new tab) with your ETH/Polygon/BSC/TRON address. Guide (opens in a new tab).
Waiting for confirmation
Once payment has been confirmed, you can be back to home page by clicking on 'My' and the registration is still in progress. It will take about 3–5 minutes confirming on chain. After successful registration, you can manage your .bit account by clicking 'Manage'.
Managing records
You can add/change records such as address, profile, custom keys, etc.
Records will be successfully modified after you save and sign. It will take about 3–5 minutes, because it needs to be confirmed on chain.
Registering through the website
Visit (opens in a new tab) to register, The registration process is the same as well.